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  What type of leadership produces an enduringly successful school?  
 Which type of leadership do you need for your school?  
   What type of head will you choose to be?  


Lifting heads to
lift their schools
to lift their students
to lift their world

"Honestly, what heartens me is how the study simply sets out in writing what we see happens to schools and gives it voice at last -
and that gives me hope.

Deputy Head, East Mids 

Apply the watershed research revealing which leadership really delivers an 
Enduringly Successful School

"This is for any school leadership
to adapt, develop or blend
how they lead their school
and develop enduring success for the long term."

"If one type of school leadership is shown to outperform the rest
for school turnaround,
why isn't every school
now thinking this way
in order to replicate it ?"
* The research revealed five school change leadership approaches with their five different outcomes
Your school vision and context will require
the right leader type and

a dynamic leadership balance.  

First broadcast on BBC Newsnight.  Video and BBC Newsnight logo  © BBC. All rights reserved.
Used under Fair Dealing (Research and Education), Intellectual Property Office, 18 November 2014.

Watch  BBC report (4 mins)  
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Here is the new school leadership research-led standard for


  • enduring school success

  • developing school leaders

  • appointing and retaining the right leaders 

  • motivating your teachers and

  • aligning your boards and communities with your strategies.


Learn and apply the methods of the Architect Leader


Elevate your school leadership through the four levels of

the Architect Leader Fellowship




Advance at your pace at your place:


Insight and application tools,

coaching, webinars, focus groups,

rolling research programme,

business placements 

mentoring schemes

peer papers and dialogue

strategy exchange

see more > 


See the research
in the HBR study:






ARTICLE 1 - 2016


ARTICLE 2 - 2016


ARTICLE 3 - 2017



Research by The Centre for High Performance

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Leaders and experts respond to the research: 

Of astonishing effects 

beyond the school gates


"If half of all school principals were Architects 

this would translate into an additional $45.4bn to the U.S. economy.


In the U.K., where the initial research was carried out, it would be an extra £7.6bn."


- Forbes



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Significant for

recruiting school leaders >

"NGA will be doing more work over the coming year to support governing boards who are recruiting new leaders. This research will inform and invigorate those discussions."

National Governance Association

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Puts a big question over the true

cost of leadership types >

  "Raises questions on the cult of relying on big personalities to turn around struggling schools.

   A quick-fix takes some schools four years to recover, and can cost as much as £2M in fees to clean up the mess."

- Daily Mail

- Daily Mail



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About re-imagining and redesigning

"We will need the qualities, capabilities and characteristics of architect leaders who can go beyond school turnaround and take on fundamental school redesign."

- Innovation Unit



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About rapid turnaround,

rewards and results >

"We love it when schools are turned around in unbelievably quick time.


And we love to reward the head teachers responsible.


The trouble is, their legacy is often a trail of destruction."

- The Times



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David Jackson, 

To go beyond improvement and begin

the process of re-imagining and redesigning ‘school’, 

a certain kind of leadership will be required.

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Associate Fellows have access to development, focus groups, insight and coaching. Build your evidence, publish your experience and advance
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